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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Fixing Your Leaky Toilet

6/17/2021 (Permalink)

Leakage of water from a toilet due to blockage of the pipe Leaking toilet in Fountain Valley, CA.

Fixing Your Leaky Toilet

Suddenly discovering a puddle of water in the bathroom can be concerning. In most cases, the cause of a bathroom leak is the toilet. While a leaking toilet is a problem you’ll want to address as quickly as possible, it isn’t as daunting as it might seem. Here are steps you can take to stop the leak and minimize the impact of water damage to your home.

1. Find the Leak

The first visible indication that your toilet has a leak is the presence of water on your bathroom floor. However, sometimes, you won’t see any water at all. That’s because leaking water can get trapped between your flooring and underlayment. If you suspect a leak, probe the floor for spots that feel soft or spongy. If the toilet is on the upper floor, water can leak down the flange and stain the ceiling below. You can’t miss the unmistakable odor of sewer gas when a toilet isn’t seated properly.

2. Tighten the Bolts

Once you’ve determined the toilet is the culprit, inspect its fit. Is it stable, or does it rock? If the anchor bolts on either side are loose, tighten them down. Alternate when tightening to ensure you don’t overdo it. Too tight, and you could break the flange.

3. Replace the Wax Ring

If the leak persists after tightening the bolts, you’ll have to replace the wax ring that sits between the toilet and the flange. Over time, this ring can dry out and break the seal, resulting in a leaking toilet. You’ll need to uninstall the unit, remove the old ring and install a replacement.

4. Beware of Hidden Damage

Hopefully, you’ve caught the leak early enough. If the toilet leak has exposed your subfloor and structural supports to water, however, there may be larger issues you need to consider. If there’s any question whether the leak has caused rot or damage, contact a restoration specialist in Fountain Valley, CA, who can assess the situation and suggest the proper repairs.

If you find you have a leaking toilet, address the issue as quickly as possible. If necessary, call in a professional for expert help.

How To Avoid a Candle Fire

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

wax warmer Wax warmers are good ways to infuse your home with a pleasing fragrance.

A candle fire at your Beach Boulevard, CA, home is a frightening thought, but many people enjoy candles enough to brave the risk. Fortunately, there are many candle alternatives available, and proper safety measures minimize the possibility of a fire for those who choose to enjoy traditional candles.

Alternatives to Candles

There are a variety of alternatives that can be used in place of traditional wick candles. The following are some of the most popular:

  • Battery-operated candles
  • Reed diffusers
  • Wax warmers
  • Plug-in air fresheners

Flameless candles are good for those who like the visual effect of a traditional candle but want to minimize fire risk. There are flameless alternatives, such as battery-operated Hanukkah menorahs, available for religious purposes. For those who are more interested in the aromatic experience of candles, air fresheners, reed diffusers, and wax warmers are good ways to infuse your home with a pleasing fragrance. Remember to keep oils and wax away from children and pets to prevent burns and accidental ingestion.

Safety Measures

Although there are a variety of candle alternatives available, sometimes homeowners want to burn traditional candles. Fortunately, wick candles can be enjoyed safely if adequate precautions are taken. Be sure not to leave the candle unattended or in reach of pets or children. Do not burn the candle near fabrics or anything else that can catch fire. Keep candles a minimum of three inches apart. Have a fire extinguisher and fire blanket nearby, and test your smoke detectors regularly.

Whether you choose to use one of the many candle alternatives on the market today or practice extra caution using wick candles, it is possible to enjoy the ambiance created by candlelight while avoiding a house fire. If your home does suffer damage from a candle fire, an experienced restoration service can provide the tools and expertise needed to get your home back to normal.

How To Prepare Your Office for a Severe Storm

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

four workers with protective gear removing drywall from a building, flood cuts performed, debris on the floor. Flood damage to a building in Fountain Valley, CA.

Prepare For Severe Weather At Work

Thunderstorms threaten both residential homes and commercial business buildings every year. Severe storms can produce high winds, hail, and lightning, all of which can wreak havoc on structures and cause harm to their occupants. If you are a building manager looking to equip your business with the proper safety features to withstand a thunderstorm, read below to learn how to best prepare for severe weather at work.

Plan in Advance
A severe rainstorm can appear seemingly out of nowhere. Therefore, be sure your office is ready for an emergency by organizing proper first aid equipment if or when it is needed. Conventional emergency kits often include:

  • Water
  • Batteries
  • Nonperishable food
  • Blankets
  • First-aid supplies
  • Medicine

Additionally, ensure your office has an evacuation plan in place, and conduct practice storm drills regularly. Don't forget to post relevant contact numbers near the first aid supplies in the event an employee needs to place an emergency call.

Take Proper Emergency Precautions
If a severe rainstorm in Fountain Valley, CA, is imminent, ensure you and your employees follow proper office protocol. Track local news channels, and listen for forecasts and updates regarding the storm's severity.
Encourage employees to remain inside by canceling any planned outdoor functions or gatherings. Further, recommend they steer clear of the windows as they can potentially shatter in the high winds of a violent thunderstorm.
Finally, in anticipation of a power outage, charge all mobile devices and tablets so that they will be usable during the storm.

Recover Appropriately
Even when a rainstorm subsides, you must continue to take proper precautions to ensure employee safety. First, steer clear of any storm-damaged structures until professionals conduct a storm damage assessment. Continue listening to local news coverage, which will indicate road closures, traffic jams, and flooded streets. Lastly, always avoid fallen power lines, and report them to the fire department immediately.
An extreme thunderstorm can present many dangers to an office environment. Proper preparation and awareness can keep your employees safe and out of harm's way.

How Professional Water Damage Restoration Can Help You

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

Hallway of a building with air movers and drying equipment Drying equipment placed on-site to avoid any secondary damage.

Process of Water Cleanup and Drying

If you have water damage in your business or home, it is imperative to act fast. Many people are unaware of what to do when a flood or water damage occurs. When your residential or commercial place suffers water damage, you need to get professional help immediately. Professionals will analyze, plan, and ultimately restore your property to where it was before the water or flood damage. The following are the steps used by flood mitigation professionals or companies for water cleanup and drying.

Inspection and Assessment

In any water or flood damage situation, the first step is to assess all of the building materials as well as the contents that are affected by water in-home or moisture. A professional will use advanced equipment such as infrared technology to determine where there is moisture and/or water in the building. The professional will take appropriate steps to figure out where the water seeped in and if it has saturated into the walls. The restoration professional will want to know if the water has made it into the wood.

After the assessment of water in business or home, the mitigation professional will develop a specific water cleanup and drying plan for the water in the home or water in the business. Flood damage and water cleanup companies have trained professionals and specialty equipment they use to evaluate flood damage and make sure all areas that are affected by water or moisture are identified. Even if the damage seems small or isolated, you should have a professional evaluate the situation.


Once the restoration professional has assessed the damages it is time to extract all of the water. Removing excess moisture and unwanted water is a crucial step in a flood situation. Water damage mitigation professionals have the equipment to remove any standing water quickly and thoroughly. They remove excess moisture and get the water out in no time, to avoid further damage. Extraction is done with their state-of-the-art equipment.

Structural Drying

Once all of the water in the home or water in business has been extracted and disinfection and deodorization have been completed, it is time to take further steps that involve drying. Even after the standing water and excess moisture have been removed, building contents and materials may still retain some amount of moisture and this can be removed through drying.

If everything is not properly dried, mold, bacteria, and odors could result. Water cleanup and mitigation professionals have top-of-the-line equipment, which enables them to thoroughly dry your home or business building and protect your property. They ensure that everything, including couches, walls and other affected materials is fully dried out.

Eliminating Bacteria And Mold

Don’t treat flood or water in-home or business lightly. Standing water in business or home can encourage the growth of bacteria and mold, leading to nasty odors. Mold growth can ruin furniture, walls, flooring, carpets, and other materials. 

Water or flood damage cleanup professionals, after extracting the water and moisture, will perform disinfection and deodorization of your home immediately. Reputable professionals understand how crucial it is to take appropriate measures to protect your business or home environment and avoid expensive repairs. Flood mitigation or restoration professionals are certified to remove mold and they have the proper equipment to do it efficiently and effectively and ensure a safe indoor environment.


Water damage mitigation should begin as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. You need to call professionals to handle the situation and restore your property to good condition. Professionals can handle the situation effectively and efficiently. From the evaluation to the drying phase, the goal is to get the job done quickly to prevent further damage to your property. Professional service will get your home or commercial property restored to its original condition. 

Tips for Making Fire Claims Efficient and Simple

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

Burned restaurant, counter when ordering food totally burned Fire damage to a restaurant in Gothard, CA.

Fire Claim And Cleanup Process

While a blaze is a serious setback, the devastation doesn't mean you have to pull the plug on your goals and dreams. A commercial owner in Gothard, CA, who holds a property insurance policy, may file a fire claim, seeking financial assistance. Here are four things owners may do to smooth out the process, saving time and frustration.

1. Don't Wait To Make a Call
Fires often happen during off-hours, late in the evening when people aren't expecting help. That's not true. Insurers usually have a line available to speak with agents, or you can begin to initiate a request online or through a phone application. The earlier you seek assistance, the better off you are.

2. Secure the Area Immediately
Don't let the problem grow. Insurers think less is better; therefore, while owners should not handle the property, a fire restoration company has the knowledge and experience to get right into the structure and attack any immediate concerns. Hire a crew to shield the premises from additional harm. These specialists are likely to board up the location. If extra security is necessary, they can create a watch team.

3. Begin a Documentation File
A fire claim may get held up if it lacks support or is inaccurately made. Take the time to email your agent, asking particular questions about the format for requests and necessary steps. Being aware is a significant part of the compensation game. Keep receipts in this spot. It's best to upload them so they can't get lost. Evidence trials that are easily accessible make your questions more valid.

4. Take Pictures
Any communications or photos that you take should be placed in an online file. Above all, always put an image with your inquiry. Are you asking for property loss replacement? Show the report from the company deeming it lost to fire damage loss. Also, show its charred form. That's hard to refute.
Reach out to your specialists and your insurer to then discuss the fire claim and cleanup. Communication is essential so that you receive what you need and deserve. Speak up and continue to document.

4 Items To Throw Out if Damaged by a Home Fire

3/30/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Damaged Kitchen Cabinets. The fire damage restoration process can be difficult to go through, especially when it involves getting rid of items that you care for.

If you've experienced a fire in your Fountain Valley, CA, home, there are several steps you'll need to take next. Regrettably, one of them is to throw away affected items. Once it's safe to return to your house, you'll want to immediately check for things that have been contaminated by the fire. If you're unsure of what to inspect, here are four items to throw out if damaged by a home fire.

1. Food
Unfortunately, one of the main items you'll need to throw away after a home fire is food. Inspect all of your food, not just the items that are perishable or lying out. Even your canned goods could have been spoiled by extreme heat. It's also important to check your fridge in case it lost power. Here are some warning signs to keep in mind:

An unpleasant odor
Charred items

2. Medicine
Similar to food, you don't want to consume something that could be contaminated by high heat. Take a good look at each of your medicines. If anything looks charred, throw it out immediately. You'll also want to look for general signs of heat and smoke exposure.

3. Cosmetics
Cosmetics may not be consumed like food or medicine, but most still have contact with your skin. Therefore, you should inspect all of your makeup and skincare products. Make sure nothing is warped or charred. If something is, no matter how expensive the product was, throw it out.

4. Clothes
While clothes are a bit less concerning than edible items, you should still take care to throw away contaminated pieces. Look and sniff for any burn marks or distinct odors. You may be able to salvage unburnt items, so ask an expert if you're uncertain. Take special care to inspect the clothing of children.

The fire damage restoration process can be difficult to go through, especially when it involves getting rid of items that you care for. However, fire damage isn't something to shrug off. Take the necessary precautions and do a thorough inspection.

Different Techniques To Prevent Flooding Throughout History

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

The Thames Barrier in England The Thames Barrier in England

Throughout history, different cultures have faced the threat of high water. This often comes in the form of excessive rains that cause rivers and streams to rise, flowing over banks and inundating homes and buildings. Efforts to escape the devastation caused by floods include moving to new areas, building trenches to divert water and piling up sandbags. It is hard to pinpoint exactly when sandbags first were used to stop flooding, but the practice has been around for more than a century. They are inexpensive and effective, though they require a lot of heavy labor.

The Use of Engineering in Flood Prevention

Many places in the world undertook more extensive measures to control flooding. These efforts involved advanced engineering, often on an epic scale. Many of these programs were developed to keep ocean waters from destroying cities or farmland:

  • The Thames Barrier in England
  • The Watergates of Japan
  • The Maeslant Storm Barrier in the Netherlands
  • The MOSE Project in Venice, Italy

While effective in stopping high water, these projects were extremely expensive. However, they allowed areas of valuable land to remain in use despite fluctuating water levels.

The Utilization of Restoration Services
In recent times, water cleanups have become increasingly sophisticated thanks to professional storm restoration services for commercial properties. A local franchise in Fountain Valley, CA, employs highly-skilled workers who understand the best techniques for restoring a building. These technicians use advanced equipment such as wet vacuums, industrial fans and thermal imaging cameras to erase the impacts of floods and devastating storms. They also employ a variety of cleaning techniques to clean surfaces of microbial and chemical substances as a result of high water. Since water can destroy and corrode everything from wood to metals, the technicians restore and rebuild areas of a building that have undergone severe damage. While water is indispensable to life on the planet, history has shown that it also requires exceptional efforts when it rages out of control.

What Type of Air Purifier Will Remove Mold Spores?

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

Air filter for HVAC system - filtration concept HEPA filters are rated to remove 99.9% of particles .03 microns in size from the air that passes through

What Type of Air Purifier Will Remove Mold Spores?

When homeowners consider air filtration, they often quickly decide they want to purchase an air purifier. However, do not rush into a purchase without first performing some necessary research. Purifiers can be expensive appliances, with the price ranging between $100 and beyond $1,000. If you are interested in a purifier because of a concern over mold, then consider talking to a certified mold remediation specialist in Gothard, CA. You will also want to consider a few things before purchase.

Spore size
Price point

Spore Size
Mold spores are between one and five microns in size. Therefore, when looking for a purifier to combat mold, you will want to find a system that can remove particles between the specified mold ranges. Most manufacturers will provide a clear label on the packaging telling you which elements the system can help protect against.

Not every purifier comes at air filtration in the same way. Several machines will only use a carbon filter, which is OK for removing many common pollutants from the air. Unfortunately, carbon filters will not remove all sizes of spores, meaning that you may still be breathing in spores daily. You want to find a purifier that uses a HEPA filter. HEPA filters can remove particles as small as 0.3 microns, which means all mold spores.

Price Point
How much do you have to spend? At the low end of the price range, you may be able to find a single room purifier. If you need a whole house filtration system, then you are looking at spending in the thousands for the system. You can speak with a mold remediation expert to determine the appropriate size for your home and your situation.
While not every homeowner is concerned with air filtration, those with allergies and particular ailments require purifiers. Talk to an expert to find out how much you may need to spend to get the level of protection you desire.

Protect Your Business From Spring Thaw and Flooding

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

Man cleaning and maintaining plastic guttering on a house Check to make sure that your gutters and drains are clear.

Tips You Can Use To Get Your Business Ready For A Spring Flood

Everyone gets excited when the first signs of spring emerge. While you are busy preparing your business for sunny activities, take a moment to think about the building you are operating out of. A lot of things take place behind the scenes in your building in Gothard, CA, and if you are not ready for the change in temperatures and potential flooding, you may wind up with extra bills and a long to-do list. 

Protect Against Water Damage Outside
Start by taking care of the outside. Check to make sure that your gutters and drains are clear and that snow can get away from your building easily. If you don't do this, puddles can form around your foundation, get inside your building, and cause serious damage that you will have to pay to fix. Instead, channel this water into your gardens or a water reservoir so you can save it and use it later. Similarly, you will want to clear any drains in your parking lot so your customers do not have to drive or walk through puddles. Don't forget to knock any remaining snow mounds over so that they melt quicker.
If you have a water feature, you are going to have a few additional steps. These include:

  • Checking the water pump
  • Thawing your frozen pipe
  • Checking for leaks in the plumbing

Give Your Building a Thorough Inspection
The next step is to take care of the inside. Start by performing maintenance tasks on your furnace and hot water tank. Then, check the ceiling to make sure that your roof is not leaking and letting snowmelt in. Finish by performing maintenance on your sump pump in case you do encounter flooding.
If your business is prepared, it can handle even the worst flooding the spring may bring. However, if you find your business underwater, the best thing you can do is seek water damage remediation professionals to help you clean it up and get open as soon as possible.

3 Things To Understand About Roof Mitigation

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

Tree fallen on the roof of a house. Roof damaged by storm Roof damaged in a Beach Boulevard, CA home.

3 Things To Understand About Roof Mitigation

Walking out after a hail storm, residents may glance around, grateful that only a few branches fell from the trees. Windows seem secure. Cars are left alone. Unbeknownst to them, though, those branches slammed into the roof prior to hitting the ground, creating holes in the shingles. Without proper evaluations, water could infiltrate, building up in crawl spaces. When finally discovered, homeowners must hope that roof damage repair is minimal. To protect your property in Beach Boulevard, CA, here are three things that help mitigate this potential trouble and costs.

1. Know the Symptoms of a Problem
After hail or heavy storms, it's best to inspect the area thoroughly. You could pay an expert to inspect the roofing, immediately catching a problem. If that's not possible, then remain vigilant about any changes to your place. The following are indicators that wind damage has occurred:

  • unusual material in the gutters
  • wet spots, curls or stains on the shingles
    paint beginning to peel
  • dips or unusual drops
  • water stains or rings on the ceiling

2. Contact Professional Services
Call a local water restoration company. Ensure that the establishment completes testing, as appropriate, national credentials and can handle multiple stages of roof damage repairs. The service should have a 24-hour emergency call-out crew who can promptly check on the concern. If any openings are discovered, workers should board up or place tarps over any exposed or questionable areas.

3. Don't Skimp on Wind Damage Restoration
It's tempting to patch up and move on; however, if the entire location isn't considered, additional issues may arise. Water within the attic or insulation could linger, creating mold or rot; therefore, during remediation, clear out any form of contamination and thoroughly dry out the premises. Replace anything ruined with new parts, hopefully avoiding the necessity for further action down the road.
Proactive action can often mitigate large roof damage bills and massive projects. It requires remaining keenly aware of situations and acting swiftly when something suspicious arises.

The Tricky Area of Mold Insurance

3/24/2021 (Permalink)

Mold on wall due to humidity. Mold damage in Gothard, CA building.

If your company in Gothard, CA, is unlucky enough to face a mold infestation, you might assume your commercial insurance policy will cover damages and expenses. Not so fast. Unfortunately, mold insurance claims can be a bit tricky. The fungus exclusion, a standard feature in most commercial and residential policies, states that coverage for mold and mildew, wet or dry rot and bacteria are not included. That might seem straightforward enough (as well as disappointing) until you consider the fungus exception. This provision of most policies does provide coverage for a mold claim under certain circumstances.

Clarification of the Fungus Exception

If the presence of mold on your property is the result of an event that is covered in your policy, you could be covered. Common situations that result in mold and that are normally covered under commercial insurance include the following:

  • A leaky pipe
  • A leak from fire fighting equipment such as a sprinkler system
  • An unexpected moisture problem

In situations that are covered, you still have responsibilities with mold insurance claims. You must act quickly to minimize damage and do everything in your power to address the situation. In terms of liability coverage, a property owner faces an uncertain situation when it comes to lawsuits filed by building tenants. As always, you should consult with your insurance agent at least once a year to go over policy changes.

Explanation of Mold Remediation

A professional mold restoration company performs many services related to mold removal. It can test to identify the presence of mold in a building. It can kill the mold and remove it from the property. Trained technicians can clean surfaces contaminated with mold, and restore areas that have been damaged by mold growth. An experienced company can offer assistance with mold insurance claims. A reputable mitigation company is Here to Help restore your company to its original condition before a mold outbreak.

4 Stages of Conducting Office Fire Drills

3/24/2021 (Permalink)

People escape to fire exit door Fire drill practice in a Fountain Valley, CA building.

4 Stages of Conducting Office Fire Drills

Good office management demands conducting the periodic fire drill. Effective execution of these exercises, however, requires following a few basic phases. Maximize the efficacy of evacuation rehearsals by adhering to the below stages.

1. Learn As Much as Possible
Educate yourself by absorbing as much information as you can. Official resources like the American Red Cross offer many useful suggestions regarding emergency preparedness. Also, make use of your local fire brigade in Fountain Valley, CA. Fire chiefs often are willing to provide companies with in-person evaluations. Such meetings sometimes uncover recommendations you might never have otherwise considered.

2. Map Out and Convey Escape Routes
Make certain workers become familiar with their expected fire drill exit paths. Utilize email or companywide messaging systems to plainly communicate how they should correctly proceed. Always include alternative methods of flight, should a primary path become impassible. Occasionally mix up drills by creating obstacles that force staff to utilize these secondary passages. Take measures to change the timing of drills and never neglect to post clearly defined maps in strategically optimal and properly lighted spots.

3. Delegate Responsibilities
Assign delegates from each department to handle lead drill duties. Task these leaders with identifying where employees should congregate after safely evacuating. Likewise, make these individuals responsible for conducting roll calls and announcing when reentry eventually becomes permissible.

4. Conduct a Post-Drill Analysis
Once everything has concluded, congregate with your drill representatives and analyze what transpired. Note how long the exercise took to complete, as well as any obvious problems encountered. Brainstorm strategies for quickening the extraction process and compare subsequent results to ascertain the effectiveness of having implemented these changes.
A well-administered fire drill is an essential tool for training your workforce on how to depart a flaming building without injury. Should your business suffer the ravages of fiery destruction, you can commence the fire damage restoration chapter knowing your actions helped ensure everyone’s ultimate protection.

4 Things You Should Know About Nor'easters

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

Storm waves crash over the seawall causing massive flooding, power outages, road closures, along the Maine coast Nor'easters occur from September to April.

4 Things You Should Know About Nor'easters

One of the most confusing nor'easter facts involves the word itself. While it might seem safe to assume that the term nor'easter specifies the geographic area in which the storms are known to occur, it actually refers to the direction from which storm causing winds originate. Cold air currents that move southwest across the cold Northeastern United States are likely to come into contact with warm air moving in the opposite direction. This creates ideal conditions for one of the most infamous storm patterns in the country.

1. Most Storms Happen During Colder Months
The most common times for a nor'easter to occur are from September to April, as these are when the cold air necessary to create one is most abundant. Although they often result in significant snowfall, these storms can also cause heavy rain and strong winds that can be equally damaging.

2. They Can Put a Halt on Your Plans
Major Northeast storm systems can wreak havoc on your work and travel plans. Flooding, heavy snow and downed power lines can all shut down entire metropolitan areas, leaving you with little more than the food and supplies you have stored in your home.

3. They Are Caused by Two Types of Air Movements
Pressure systems that cause trouble in the Northeast can come from the Midwest or Gulf Coast. As these come into contact with the Appalachian Mountains or the East Coast, respectively, they reach their peak levels of precipitation

4. Some of Them Are Famous
Some storms have become to be known to posterity for their economic impact or physical damage. The Blizzard of 1996, for example, dumped 30 inches of snow on Philadelphia in around 24 hours, causing a state of emergency.
If your Beach Boulevard, CA home has suffered damage at the hands of a nor'easter, you should contact a storm restoration specialist who can assess and remedy damage before more harsh weather hits.

Does Your Home Face a High Risk of Flooding?

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

dark basement, wet floor. Concept storm flooding in a home Flood damage in a Fountain Valley, CA home

Flooding is an event that many homeowners face. Most homes in Fountain Valley, CA, whether they are in a low or high-risk flood zone, are more likely to experience flooding than fire. Whether you are purchasing a new home or have lived in your current one for a while, you must know if you live in a high-risk flood zone. You must also understand that while most home insurance policies do not cover damage from flooding or storm restoration services, you may be able to purchase flood insurance. If you are in a high-risk zone that participates in the FEMA NFIP, flood insurance may even be required. Therefore, you need to know your home's flood risk and steps you can take to protect yourself.

What Determines a Home’s Risk of Flooding?

The first step to understanding how your home's flood risk is calculated, you want to look at the area's flood maps. These shows important data including:

  • Flood zones
  • Flood plain boundaries
  • Base flood elevation

All of these elements factor into a home's flood risk. These maps can often be found online, at your local government offices, courthouse, or library. You may also want to ask your local government officials if a flood risk project is underway. These projects are designed to identify high-risk areas and lower their chances of flooding. This may also be the perfect time to ask if your community participates in the FEMA NFIP and if you are required to have flood insurance.

Will You Be Told if You Move Into a High-Risk Home?
It is a good idea to conduct this research if you are moving into a new home because not all states require a seller to disclose a property's flood risk. Because of this, it is better if you research your flood risk and if your community participates in the FEMA NFIP.
By doing some research about the area where your home is, you can better understand what determine's your property's flood risk. This can give you an advantage when you are trying to protect yourself from flooding damage.

How To Clean Your Dryer and Prevent Lint Fires

3/19/2021 (Permalink)

Horizontal photo of female hand taking the lint out from dirty air filter of the dyer machine You should remove lint from the dryer filter regularly.

Here Are Some Tips For Preventing Dryer Fire

After doing several loads of laundry, you may not feel like cleaning out the dryer. Yet failing to do so could cause a lint fire in your Gothard, CA, home. A dirty dryer also may not function properly. You should thus remove lint from the filter before or after each load. You should also perform a deeper clean every six months. 

1. Clean the Lint Screen
Every time you use your dryer, lint builds up on the screen. Remove this lint before or after you run the dryer. Start by locating the screen on the dryer door and pulling it out of the appliance. Be careful not to bend the screen too much.
Use either your hand or a cleaning brush to lift the lint from the screen. The lint should come off fairly easily. Every few weeks, you should rinse the screen with water before putting it back into its slot. To prevent a lint fire, you may want to vacuum the screen vent, as well.

2. Clean the Interior Dryer
The interior of the dryer should be cleaned every six months. Remove and wipe the access panel. Then vacuum or wipe any dirt, debris or lint inside the machine.

3. Clean the Vents
You should clean the dryer vents twice a year, as well. After unplugging the dryer, remove the exhaust hose at the back of the appliance. This may require a screwdriver. Use a cleaning brush or vacuum attachment to remove the lint inside the hose. Finally, put a cleaning rod inside the wall vent and rotate its brush to loosen and eliminate excess lint.
A lint fire can quickly spread from the laundry room to the rest of your house. To prevent the need for fire damage cleanup services in your home, you should remove lint from the dryer filter regularly and perform semiannual cleanings of the appliance's vents and interior.

4 Crucial Steps To Take When Filing a Water Damage Insurance Claim

3/16/2021 (Permalink)

Insurance claim form Try to fill out the forms quickly so you'll be compensated sooner.

Four Steps To Take When Filing An Insurance Claim

After water damage occurs in your Fountain Valley, CA, home, you may be unsure about what to do next. In this event, it's important to remember that filing a claim with your insurance providers is key. If your home or possessions are heavily damaged, you'll need monetary assistance from your insurance company. So, here are four crucial steps to take when filing a water damage insurance claim.

1. Contact Your Insurance Agency
The first thing you'll want to do after the damage occurs is to contact your insurance agency. If you want to go through a quick and easy process, you'll need to know more about the next steps. Tell your providers about the situation and ask a series of questions. These are some essential things to ask:

  • What's the timeline going forward?
  • Are my damages covered?
  • What should my next steps be?

You need to know these details for your insurance claim, so keep asking things until you have a full understanding of the situation.

2. Record Damages
In order to receive a reasonable amount of financial help after a pipe burst, you have to inform those involved as to what property was damaged. If it's safe, search your home and any recovered items for damage. Ask your water damage restoration company for a detailed bill. Afterwards, make a thorough list of what was affected and how much its repair or replacement costs will be.

3. Use an Adjuster
Insurance providers require proof of the damage before any money will be exchanged. An adjuster will usually be sent by your providers to inspect the area. If you're worried about the quality of this adjuster, you can hire a separate individual. Make sure this person sees everything you documented.

4. File the Claim
Most importantly, you'll need to actually file the insurance claim. If you tell your insurance company about the damages, the company should send you the claim forms. Try to fill out the forms quickly so you'll be compensated sooner.
When dealing with a flood, the last thing you need to handle is massive expenses. File a claim quickly to stay financially secure.

4 Elements of the Need for Early Testing

2/25/2021 (Permalink)

Mold growth on wall due to humidity Mold growth on walls due to humidity.

4 Elements of the Need for Early Testing

One of the first steps in water cleanup and restoration is a thorough inspection and damage assessment. As part of this assessment, the technician may complete pretesting to keep costs down. This early action helps technicians create a plan of action and come up with a cost estimate. There are several good reasons for doing this testing:

Hidden Damage

When water flows through your building, it causes a variety of problems, including ruining furnishings and textiles, causing mold growth, and weakening structural elements of the building. Pretesting before you file an insurance claim means that unseen damages, such as mold behind interior walls can be identified and addressed in the claim. Otherwise, unseen damage won't be part of the initial claim.

Contaminated Water

The second element of the testing is determining the type of water affecting the property. The level of contamination of the water in the building will affect the restoration services. For example, the clean water from a burst pipe under the sink doesn't require the same highly specialized equipment and techniques that black water with feces and hazardous chemicals requires.

Claim Accuracy

As cleanup and restoration technicians work through their testing, you should take careful notes. All of the information included in the reports and your notes will help the insurance agent complete the insurance claim. Your notes will also help you understand the rest of the process.

Low Costs

How does this early testing keep costs down? First, it ensures that hidden damage doesn't have the chance to lead to more damage. Second, the completed pre-assessment protects technicians and the people living or working in the building from exposure to contaminants in the water. Finally, avoiding mistakes when filing the claim prevents unnecessary expenditures.
Pretesting is one way that restoration professionals keep costs low. When you find water damage in your Beach Boulevard, CA, building, make sure that this early testing is part of the process.

Air Ducts: A Common Location for Mold

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

Black mold spots around an air duct Mold growth on air duct

If you get a whiff of a displeasing pungent odor in your Fountain Valley, CA, property, it is a sure sign you may have a mold problem. If know there are no visible signs in areas prone to moisture, that growth may be happening in the air ducts. A cocktail of humidity, poor ventilation, warmth and dust to feed on makes them an ideal location for spores to spread.

Steps To Take

Once you suspect the ducts have been infiltrated, below are essential steps to take to mitigate the problem.

Turn off the HVAC unit. If it continues to run, it means more spores blowing to unaffected areas.
Inspect the tubes or channels and determine what they are made of. Different materials will require different cleaning methods. If they are insulated or have fiberglass, they may need to be replaced.
Contact a mold remediation and restoration company to inspect and assess the damage. Regardless of the size of the business, the HVAC system is complex and often difficult to get to. A certified company will have the tools and expertise to locate, eradicate and mitigate any infestations.

Prevention Tips

Ensuring you have clean ducts is the best way to avoid a black mold problem altogether. Along with general maintenance, the system should be cleaned around every three to five years. Below are other steps to minimize the chance of a colony flourishing.

If you have had mold in the vents before, it is essential to determine the cause and make the necessary repairs.
Strive to keep humidity levels under 60%. If that is difficult to maintain, invest in a dehumidifier.
The heating and cooling system itself is prone to creating condensation and potential leaks. Regularly inspect that drip pans aren’t overflowing and there is no standing water.

Unfortunately, mold is something that easily grows in the right conditions. Staying on top of maintenance is essential to prevent that from happening.

When Should Property Owners Call a Restoration Company

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

Servpro van parked in front of a commercial building. Hire a water restoration company to guide you in the remediation procedures.

Here Are Four Times To Definitely Give The Specialists A Call

Water intrusion creates several major issues for a commercial building. The saturation harms the structure, possibly leading to rot and mold; therefore, property owners should call in a water restoration company any time moisture problems arise. Whether dealing with a pipe burst cleanup or an internal leak, the experts have knowledge and where-with-all to properly care for the source and avoid secondary damage. 

1. Possible Contamination
A backflow or sewer line break permits mass levels of bacteria to invade the space, permeating deep with any porous surfaces. A plumber and a can of bleach do not eradicate the infestation. Instead, rely on a sewer cleanup company in Gothard, CA, to determine the type of organisms and organize a plan to contain and eliminate them.

2. Water Saturation
Heavy water absorption not only deteriorates material but triggers rapid mold growth. Check dark closets and cabinets. If there is a musty smell, unusual discoloration, or heavy moisture, have the area checked. In addition, call for toilet overflow or pipe burst cleanup; these especially demand a quick response. The remediation team enters to assess and immediately implement effective drying techniques that hinder spore production.

3. Older Plumbing Systems
Don't wait until something happens. Older pipes incur more wear and tear; thus, they are likely to develop cracks and breaks. Allow crews to perform a leak detection test to ensure that the lines function correctly. Ask about whether pipes need to be replaced or repaired. Take initiative, and fix small issues to thwart the larger ones.

4. Concerning Deterioration
Before the broken pipe busts, owners may see signs of water seepage. Wallpaper and paint may curl; the drywall may develop water stains. Also, the floors may shift or buckle. Ask for an evaluation to locate the source.
Dampness is alarming, especially when allowed to sit idly. That prolonged moisture wreaks havoc on the structure; therefore, immediately tend to pipe burst cleanup to safeguard the establishment and hire a water restoration company to guide you in the remediation procedures.

SERVPRO Fire Damage Repair

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

house under fire House fire

Fires can be unnerving and cause massive damage to your property. When the fire department arrives, they will quickly take action to stop the spread of fire. It’s possible that to do this, they might have to cut a hole on the roof of your house or business property to release the smoke faster.  

Fixing the repair will take a lot of time and it’s definitely not an easy process. Fortunately, we at SERVPRO are always ready to help you with fire damage repairs! Our team of professionals are well-trained and have the necessary tools and skills to clean and restore your property in no time. We can fix the roof, clean the debris, and more! If you’re in the California area, you can call our Fountain Valley branch at (714) 965-4500. 

Water Damage Repair in California

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

man fixing pipe problem Water issues should be fixed immediately

Water overflow can be caused by pipe leaks, floods, sewer backup, etc. This can be devastating if it’s not immediately fixed. Humidity and moisture can cause mold growth and irreversible damage to your property. This is why it’s crucial to clean and restore your property as soon as possible. 

We understand the urgency of such situations which is why SERVPRO is always ready 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you with water damage repair. Our skilled technicians will do everything they can to restore your property effectively and efficiently.  

SERVPRO of Fountain Valley is locally owned and operated. We’re also ready to help you with cleaning or restoration projects in California. We’re always available so feel free to call us at (714) 965-4500.

Storm Damage Property Restoration

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

red building flooded Storm floods can be devastating

Storms can bring in heavy floods and cause water damage to your home. It’s important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t immediately enter the premises of your property after a storm flood. This is because there might be faulty electrical wirings and the structure of the property might not be as sturdy as before. Moreover, the flood water might have brought sewage wastes. The best and safest thing for you to do is to have your property inspected first.   

The best course of action is to have a cleaning and restoration company to inspect your property first. SERVPRO of Fountain Valley is always here to help clean and restore your residential or commercial property after a storm damage. For immediate service, call us at (714) 965-4500 and we will be there as soon as possible. 

Here’s how you can prevent mold growth in your property

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

yellow molds on wall Stop mold growth before it gets worse!

Mold overgrowth can cause a lot of problems to your property. It’s also expensive to clean and repair after it has been severely damaged by mold. Of course, it’s better to prevent such problems from occurring. Here are the best ways to prevent mold infestations.

Inspect common areas that have mold growth

Molds grow and thrive in humid and damp conditions. The common areas of mold growth in a property are the bathroom, kitchen, and basement. You should check these areas if it has mold growth. Don’t forget to inspect areas that aren’t easily visible such as below the sink, under the toilet, etc. 

Dry wet areas as soon as you can

After you finish using the bathroom, make sure to give it enough air flow by opening the door and windows. This will make it easier for the area to dry and prevent it from becoming a hotspot for molds. Same goes for other areas that are constantly exposed to water.

Preventing House Fires

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

house getting burned You need to be vigilant to prevent house fires

Your home is the place where you create precious memories and feel safe. This is why it’s hard to imagine your home being destroyed by a fire. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent house fires from starting. Check out these tips to keep your home secure! 

Don’t just install smoke alarms, test them! 

Installing a smoke alarm is one of the best ways to prevent fires from becoming worse. However, you need to check if they’re working well. If they beep weakly, then it most likely means the battery needs to be replaced.

Fire extinguishers 

A smoke alarm is good but it’s not enough. Once a fire has been detected, you need to have the means to eliminate the fire source. A fire extinguisher can control and remove small fires effectively. 

Ensure your heating sources are not a fire hazard 

Have your heating sources checked by a professional for safety. You should also have your air filters cleaned out. If you’re using a space heater, make sure it’s away from flammable materials.

Why Professional Cleaning Services are Better

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

People cleaning a room Professional cleaning services provide better cleaning quality

If you’re on the fence on professional cleaning services, here are the top reasons why they’re better than standard cleaning. 

Better value for money 

Mediocre cleaning solutions only do basic cleaning such as a quick vacuum and taking out the trash. Sure, the service may be cheap but the cleaning quality is substandard. You’ll get better value for your money with professional cleaning services since they offer more cleaning options and provide better long-term  

High-quality cleaning

Professional cleaning services go above and beyond the usual cleaning routines. They will clean hard-to-reach places and ensure your house or business property is thoroughly cleaned using top of the line cleaning procedures and tools. 

Saves you time 

Some of you probably don’t have the time to effectively clean your property, which is why a professional cleaning service will be a big help for you to save you time. They’re experts at what they do and can effectively finish the job for you.  

3 Ways to Flood-Proof Your Home

5/26/2020 (Permalink)

Living room flooded SERVPRO of Fountain Valley Does Restoration Services for Flooded Properties

Even if you live in a low-risk area, floods are potentially still a problem if a strong enough storm with heavy rainfall hits your city or town. In this blog, we will provide tips on how to flood-proof your home or business to minimize or prevent water damage. 

Alter Your Landscape

It’s possible that your landscape can amplify the damage caused by stormwater. This is because stormwater might directly go to your home or business. The best thing you can do is to get advice from a landscaping company on how to effectively landscape your property. They will most likely advise you to create channels that force stormwater away from your house or office.

Get Flood Insurance

In most cases, standard property insurance doesn't cover flood damages so you must get separate flood insurance. Ideally, the insurance should also cover the contents of your property. 

Add a Sewage Water Backstop in Your Basement

If your basement floor drain fills up fast after heavy rains then you should consider installing a sewage water backstop or a backflow prevention valve. This device helps prevent filled sewer mains from backing up to your basement. Be sure a licensed plumber installs the device.

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - (714) 361-0572


SERVPRO of Fountain Valley is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We’re also part of a national network of over 1,700 Franchises, which gives us access to more resources for larger cleaning or restoration projects or major storm scenarios.

Restoring Your Property After It Is Damaged by Fire

5/26/2020 (Permalink)

Black-charred ceiling rafters following a fire SERVPRO of Fountain Valley provides 24-hour fire damage restoration service in Fountain Valley

Seeing the remains of your burned home or business property is a heartbreaking and stressful experience. Though it may feel like you have lost everything it’s vitally important to take action immediately after the incident. This is to speed up the recovery process and bring things back to normal as soon as possible. Here’s how you can restore your property after it’s damaged by fire.

Reach Out to Your Insurance Provider ASAP

We know it’s difficult to think straight after your property has been burned down to the ground, but it’s important to focus and take the necessary actions. Contacting your insurance agent immediately is a great way to start the claims procedure as soon as possible.

Get Advice from the Fire Department, Engineers, and Electricians

First of all, wait for the fire department to assess the damage. Only enter the premises once the area has been designated as safe by the firefighters. You might want to contact an engineer or electrician to check the structure and electrical, respectively.   

Take Photos of the Damage and Ask the Fire Department for a Report

The insurance agent will take pictures but it’s important to have your own photos as well for documentation purposes. Take photos of the external damage if the property isn’t cleared for entry yet. You should also get a copy of the report from the fire department.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?

Call Us Today – 714) 361-0572


SERVPRO of Fountain Valley is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We’re also part of a national network of over 1,700 Franchises, which gives us access to more resources for larger cleaning or restoration projects or major storm scenarios.

The Benefits of Hiring a Water Damage Restoration Company

5/25/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Green Service Van from the side SERVPRO of Fountain Valley provides 24-hour water damage restoration service in Fountain Valley

There may come a time when your home or business will suffer from water damage no matter how careful you are. Restoring the damaged areas can be extremely challenging on your own. Fortunately, there are high-quality water damage restoration companies that can help should such problems arise. There are plenty of benefits in hiring these services, check out just a few below.

Fast and Effective Results

Quick response time can help mitigate water damage and restore your home or business faster. Water damage restoration companies can produce fast and effective results and some even provide 24/7 emergency services.

Expert Advice

They can also provide advice on how to maintain your property after restoration. These professionals can also help determine if your appliances, furniture, and decorative items can still be used.

Mold Prevention

Water damage restoration experts can identify spots that are prone to mold growth. This is very useful since molds can easily develop after a property has undergone water damage.

Insurance Claims Assistance

These companies can help you in providing proof of damage for claims and assist in filling out insurance forms and policies.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – (714) 361-0572


SERVPRO of Fountain Valley is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We’re also part of a national network of over 1,700 Franchises, which gives us access to more resources for larger cleaning or restoration projects or major storm scenarios.

How to Prevent Molds in Your Home

5/21/2020 (Permalink)

Image of mold on ceiling In Fountain Valley, mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours

Molds can grow on areas that aren’t directly visible such as walls around leaking pipes, drywall, or other damp sections in your property. A mold problem doesn’t only impact your house but your health as well. Here are great tips on how to prevent molds from growing in your home.   

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Effectively ventilating your home is an effective method to prevent molds. You can run an exhaust fan, and use AC units and dehumidifiers to keep your rooms ventilated. It’s important to clean these devices consistently to keep them ventilating effectively. 

Dry Wet Surfaces As Soon As Possible

Don’t leave spills, water leaks, and other wet surfaces since these can cause mold growth. Also, don’t leave wet clothes in enclosed spaces since this can be a breeding ground for molds.

Identify areas that are prone to mold growth

There are areas in your home that are prone to mold because they’re exposed to moisture or water. It’s important to check these mold hotspots so you can mold-proof them. Most problem areas are the basement, pipelines, bathrooms, and other damp sections of your home.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today at (714) 361-0572

SERVPRO of Fountain Valley is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We’re also part of a national network of over 1,700 Franchises, which gives us access to more resources for larger cleaning or restoration projects or major storm scenarios.

Understanding the Necessity of Water Damage Repair Procedures

6/21/2017 (Permalink)

Understanding the Necessity of Water Damage Repair Procedures

When floods occur in a building, it can cause severe flood damage that can be very problematic. Understanding the nature of this damage, and how mitigation and restoration help, is crucial for assessing how water in home and water in business structures are impacted and why water cleanup, drying, and mitigation are such necessary procedures.

How Water Damage Occurs

Water damage occurs when a building suffers from excessive exposure to a high volume of water. For example, a pipe may burst and cause a flood in delicate parts of the home. However, it could also be caused by a literal flood from a rainstorm or a dam burst. Water cleanup of this type requires drying the water in home or the water in business and assessing the amount of flood damage that has occurred.

However, water damage of this type, especially water in business, can cause a variety of serious dangers. Understanding these problems should help you get a better feel for why the restoration of flood damage is so necessary. Water cleanup is a delicate process, but it is one that needs to be performed correctly to be effective.

The Dangers It Causes

When flood damage and water damage occur, they can seriously affect your building's structural health. For example, water in home and water in business will wear away the interior decorations of a building. This damage will include problems caused to the carpet, furniture, flooring, and other delicate areas of a building.

Unfortunately, this kind of water damage can quickly spread and get a lot worse. Other problems include potential collapses of buildings caused by weathering elements and other serious concerns. Typically, this will require restoration, mitigation, and drying processes. Water cleanup is also a necessity.

Managing This Problem Successfully

The best way to manage this concern is to use a variety of treatment methods to clean up the water and repair any severe damage. Water cleanup is the first step, and it requires getting the water out of a home, drying up all the wet areas, and continually managing water spread through the home. In this way, it is possible to control flood damage, water in home, and water in business successfully.

Next in is the restoration process. This step is the bulk of the water damage repair procedure. It will involve removing the water-impacted items, carefully cleaning any materials around them to which they were connected, and finding ways to replace these items successfully. For example, destroyed carpet will be removed from the home and replaced by all new carpeting. This process is suitable for both the aesthetics and construction qualities of a home.

However, it is is also necessary to take the time to check the impacted areas of the building for mold and bacterial growth. These items are dangerous and can affect the quality of a home or business. Another step is the elimination of any animals or pests they may have gotten in during a flood. For example, termites often use floods as a way to get inside of a building. They must be eliminated with proper pest control methods.

These steps will often take several days or even a few weeks to finish. During that time, a person may not live in their home or do business. However, once the restoration process has been finished, you will have a home or a business that looks as good as new.

Final Thoughts

Flood damage simply can't hold up against these kinds of repair techniques. So if you are suffering from water in home or water in business and think mitigation and restoration would be right for you, please don't hesitate to contact us today.

We can provide you with the drying and mitigation services you need to get your home or business open. In fact, we can provide you with a free estimate of the repair costs to help you budget everything properly.
Visit http://www.SERVPROfountainvalley.com for more information on water damage.

Getting Any Home or Business Back to Original Condition after Fire Damage

6/21/2017 (Permalink)

Getting Any Home or Business Back to Original Condition after Fire Damage

Once a home or business has gone through a devastating fire, the first things people might experience are a sense of shock and a desire to find effective fire damage restoration as soon as possible. In fact, time is critical in these cases since smoke damage and soot damage will normally only get worse as time goes on. Ash is incredibly corrosive and will lead to further damage if it's left in place.

Fire damage events can be very different, but they all have some basic things in common. After the fire trucks leave, the most common experiences are water damage, soot damage, smoke damage and a distinctive smoke smell that is alarmingly unpleasant. A fire in home or a fire in business property is best cleaned up and the areas are best treated and restored by professionals. Fire damage and fire cleanup professionals have the knowledge, expertise and specialized equipment to get the job done quickly and effectively.

Restoring Property and Furnishings to Original Condition

The goal of specialists in fire cleanup is to alleviate commercial fire damage or fire damage to properties. Here are some of the steps they'll take to accomplish fire damage restoration:

- Evaluation - A critical step to determine the extent of soot damage, smoke damage and water damage, along with any other ensuing damages that the home or business have undergone

- Tarps and Boarding Windows - Professionals will survey all commercial fire damage or fire damage to the home and will normally focus on walls, windows and the roof first. This means placing tarps on roofs that have been damaged, and boards over missing windows, along with putting boards over any missing walls that can affect the structural integrity of the building

- Removing Water and Drying Areas - One of the first steps when a fire in home has occurred or fire in business buildings is to remove standing water left behind and to begin a drying process of places that have sustained water damage. Specially designed air movers and dehumidifiers are some of the equipment that will normally be used

- Getting rid of Soot Damage and Smoke Damage - The next areas to concentrate on will probably be removal of soot damage and smoke damage and remediation of the smoke smell. Specialized equipment is used to get rid of soot and smoke from walls, ceilings, floors and other surfaces. Ash is very acidic and tends to spread quickly. Professionals know exactly what cleaning methods are most effective

- Removing Odors - This is done with specialty equipment like fogging equipment and air scrubbers to get rid of the smoke smell left behind. This smoke smell can be especially onerous and hard to deal with

- Thorough Cleaning - All of the structures involved in the fire in home or fire in business facilities will be thoroughly cleaned to eliminate soot, ash, odors and restore the integrity of the building and furnishings, if possible. Experts in commercial fire damage and home fire damage know exactly what is needed to clean and sanitize the space after such a catastrophic event

- Restoring a Home or Business to Original Condition - Specialists in fire cleanup, whether this includes commercial fire damage or fire damage restoration of a residence, finalize the fire cleanup process by repairing or replacing drywall, installing new carpets, painting or even reconstructing certain areas if that's determined to be necessary

Things Needed for the Most Effective Fire Damage Restoration

There are several main things needed after a fire in home or fire in business buildings have compromised the integrity of those buildings. These are enough manpower to make the necessary repairs and to do effective fire damage restoration, the proper industrial caliber equipment, proper cleaning solutions and knowledge of the best ways to do effective fire cleanup. A fire is traumatic. It's good to know there are experts in commercial fire damage and home fire damage to restore any home or business to its original condition.
Visit http://www.SERVPROfountainvalley.com for more information on fire damage.

How Mold Cleanup is Done - A Step By Step

6/21/2017 (Permalink)

How Mold Cleanup is Done - A Step By Step

Mold damage in homes can become a problem in 24-48 hrs of water intrusion. The intrusion of water causes mold to form either gradual or intensive which requires remediation to take place. Leaks from roofing and water line if they go unnoticed may eventually lead to mold infestation. Mold damage can be severe when neglected for an extended period. After floods have occurred precautions, need to be undertaken before re-entering your home or business- to prevent commercial mold damage.

Molds and mildew are microscopic, and they happen everywhere, indoors, outdoors on vehicles so removing all of it is next to impossible. Mold in home has proven to be of great importance as it helps in the decomposition of organic matter. As a matter of fact, it placed on the food chain.

While outdoor mold and mildew are useful, the indoor are harmful to property and asset. So when affected by indoor molds, mildew or fungus mitigation process should be undertaken.But before taking up mold damage reductions, you should conduct several precautions for mold in homes can affect and harm your body.

Guidelines when dealing with commercial mold damage, mold removal and deodorization.

• Protect your eyes: Always wear goggles or safety glasses that cover your eyes completely to provide 100% protection from dust and small mold particles.

• Protect your skin: wear gloves before touching or handling moldy items.DO NOT touch items with mold using your bare hands.

• Protect your mouth and nose: wear a full-faced respirator or a half faced respirator when you plan to stay in the mold infested area for an extended period. Molds in homes and fungus have a smelly odor.

• Protect your loved ones from hazard: people who are asthmatic should stay away from moldy areas and away because they have a smelly odor, DON'T involve children in mold removal exercise. You should also watch out for wet floors they may cause accidents. After finishing up the mold removal process ensure that you shower and change your clothes to ensure that you don't carry them at home.

Understanding mold mitigation processes.

Mold damage occurs differently, and it requires a unique solution to manage it:which is mitigation. But in the general mold reduction process is the same and its procedures are the same. These are the steps for undertaking remediation for commercial mold damage:

• Inspection and assessment: this is mostly done with various technologies, mold, and fungus grow in areas clear from the view where it is damp. They feed on cellulose and water and prefers dark areas. Despite having a smelly odor, you require special machines to detect them.

• Mold containment: this containment procedure is done to reduce the spread of the molds. Procedures like negative air pressures that the fungus spores don't spread during the removal process. Negative air chambers isolate the contaminated area with a physical barrier. Fans are turned off to reduce the dissemination of this mold.

• Air filtration: you trap spores from the air, hence there is no spreading. Air scrubbers and vacuums are used to ensure no spread of the spores during the remediation process.

• Mold removal and removal of fungus infested materials: this step depends on the extent of the damage. Antifungal and antimicrobial treatment is undertaken to eliminate the fungi and the mildew colonies. Removal of mold infested materials such as walls, ceilings, and carpets is necessary to ensure they don't spread.

• Cleaning contents and assets: clean your walls, curtains, decorative items that may be affected by these molds. Here smelly odor is removed by using deodorants. A special team does the deodorization. Deodorization requires special equipment and the chemical used should be human-friendly.

• Restoration: depending on the extent of commercial mold damage or mold in the home repair should be undertaken. Restoration involves minor repairs, painting the wall and installing new carpet restoration may also include the rebuilding of some room in a home or business.

The above process should be undertaken by a professional as us of machines may require skilled personnel. However, if someone wants to conduct the mitigation,deodorization and remediation process by themselves you should follow the following steps:

• Put on protective gears

• Remove standing water. Ensure you remove all the waters within 24 hrs.

• Open all windows to let in fresh air while working on it.

• Use Dehumidifiers to remove moisture.

• Remove the molds you can see in your home.

• Fix the water problem completely and paint the whole area.

• Throw away the items that can't be cleaned or dry.
Visit http://www.SERVPROfountainvalley.com for more information on mold removal and remediation.

How To Undertake A Mold Removal And Remediation Project

6/1/2017 (Permalink)

How To Undertake A Mold Removal And Remediation Project

Molds depend on carbon atoms to survive. When the wood begins to rot, it releases the carbon by-products that the molds require to thrive. In the damp conditions, mold has adequate nourishment to develop in any part of your home. Surprisingly, mold can also develop in a clean home. If the home provides the necessary conditions for the mold to grow, the spores can germinate in a short time. The deodorization of the indoor air to get rid of the smelly odor is a futile endeavor. Mold removal entails creating a formidable remediation and mitigation plan. When planning your mold removal regimen, you must inspect the mold damage to develop a budget that considers the mitigation. The wet areas in a home include the basements, utility rooms, bathrooms, laundry areas, and kitchens.

How to Control Mildew and Fungus

Commercial mold damage can affect the walls and floors significantly. Remove all mold in home gutters and repair them to avoid spillages. While planning for mold removal and mitigation, you must assess the extent of mold damage. It is vital to inspect the drainage systems and floor traps where the black mold is likely to develop. Be sure to take the drastic steps to curb mold growth by keeping every surface clean and dry. Molds can grow on stones, wood, outdoor benches, and logs. Commercial mold damage can also affect your business negatively. Remediation and mitigation involve taking the right steps to eliminate the fungus and mildew. Eradicating the mold growth is almost impossible since the spores can spread to different locations in your home. You can use the following tips to prevent this menace in your home:

Improving the Ventilation

The remediation of mold damage entails removing the molds and eliminating the spores in the air. Poor ventilation in the basement leads to the accumulation of vapor and moisture. These damp conditions favor the growth of fungus, mildew, and molds that have a smelly odor. Improving the ventilation is a great way to dissipate the moisture in a natural way and avoid the cost or deodorization. Look out for mold in home footpaths and walkways. While deodorization can be a temporary solution to the smelly odor, adding another window will help to bring fresh air into the basement. You might also want to invest in a fan and a dehumidifier to circulate the air. Avoid exposing your home to the ravages of mold damage by improving the ventilation and keeping the spores out of bay.

Fix foundation cracks

Mold damage comes in many forms. Small cracks in the foundation can provide the habitat for mold growth since they allow some water to percolate into the foundation walls. Besides sealing the foundation cracks, you should inspect the gutters regularly. Remember to seal the window and door frames with the appropriate sealants to prevent the rainwater from seeping into the house. Ensure that you remove the mold in home HVAC and plumbing systems to curb the spread.

Avoid Stacking Items

Stacking items in your garden can also create the dark and wet conditions that favor the growth of mildew and fungus. Items such as firewood and broken furniture can create the perfect breeding ground for the molds. When these molds produce the spores, they can get into the bathrooms and kitchens. Avoid trapping moisture by organizing such items in a proper storage facility. The mold in home terraces and patios requires special attention during removal and deodorization.

HVAC systems

Commercial mold damage comes in many forms, but the HVAC systems can escalate the problem by distributing the spores in the entire building. When handling the commercial mold damage, start by cleaning the HVAC system. The heating and ventilation systems require regular checkup to keep them free of molds. Remember to clean the heating systems, air ducts, filters, and air conditioning systems regularly. This intervention will prevent the mold from spreading and growing in the entire home. The HVAC systems allow the spores and smelly odors to travel throughout a home quickly. Hiring a professional duct cleaner or HVAC technician for mold removal and remediation is better than investing in deodorization. Visit http://www.SERVPROfountainvalley.com/ for more information on mold removal and remediation.


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